Indian Army has made a full-proof secure messaging SAI app like WhatsApp. The Indian Army has taken a major step towards taking forward the self-reliant India campaign of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The indigenous messaging SAI app has been
developed by the Indian Army, which will be launched in the coming days.
This app will compete with the messaging app WhatsApp.
The Indian Army's messaging app will be completely
secure. The army will use this app for mutual communication.
Competition of SAI app
The Indian Army's messaging app will be named SAI
(Secure Application for Internet). This app will support the end to end
secure voice, text, and video calling service.
This app will be for smartphones using Android-based
Internet service. In a statement issued by the Ministry of Finance, the Indian
Army's messaging SAI app will be similar to the already commercially
available messaging applications in India like WhatsApp, Telegram,
SAMVAD, and GIMS. This app will use the end to end encryption messaging
SAI app full-proof secure
It has been told by the government that SAI, the messaging
app of the army will be completely full-proof. In this,
local in-house servers and security features with coding will be made
available, which will be changed according to the need.
SAI app builders
According to the statement issued by the ministry, the
application has been approved for use by the auditors in the CERT-in panel and
the Army Cyber Group after investigation.
Now, this SAI app has been proposed for patent
filing in front of Intellectual Property Right (IPR). The work is currently on
the iOS version of this app.
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