Twitter blocked account of Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad.


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Social media platform Twitter blocked account of IT and Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad for an hour on Friday morning. However, later it was also unblocked. Twitter cited the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) as the reason behind this action. This is US copyright law.

Actually, Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad had given interviews to news channels regarding social media guidelines and its adherence. He shared the clippings of these interviews on his Twitter account on June 23 and 24. Twitter has considered this a violation of the US Copyright Act.

Why did Twitter block account?

Twitter had posted blocking Ravi Shankar's account. In this, Twitter said that your account is being blocked, because we have received a complaint under the DMCA regarding the post from your account.

Under this DMCA, a copyright holder can claim to Twitter that a user is infringing the copyright of its content. Twitter may remove such content if it receives a reasonable complaint under the DMCA.

Twitter maintains a repeat copyright policy. Under this, the user's account can also be suspended for repeated violation of the Copyright Act.

Your account may also be suspended if the DMCA is violated repeatedly. To use your account again, you will need to review Twitter's copyright policy.

What did Twitter say about unblocking the account?

On unblocking the account, Twitter said that if any notice is received against your account again, then your account can be blocked. It can also be suspended.

Don't do this, so you don't violate our copyright policy. Immediately remove content from your account that you are not authorized to post.

With which content did Twitter take this action?

Ravi Shankar Prasad had posted on his Twitter handle the clippings of his interviews given on 3 news channels on 23 and 24 June. In this, he talked about the IT laws implemented in the country. Under these laws, social media platforms were asked to implement certain guidelines.

In an interview, Ravi Shankar Prasad had said that users in India can use Twitter and WhatsApp, but if any post or message disturbs the atmosphere of communal harmony or law and order in the country, then these platforms have to be told that who was the first to post such a message in India?

Due to non-compliance with the new IT rules, the government of India withdrew the status of Intermediary Platform in the country from Twitter. That is, now Twitter will be responsible for the posts made on its platform.

What did the Law Minister say after the action on Twitter?

Union Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said that many questions are being raised about whether Twitter is entitled to legal protection.

However, the simple point in the matter is that Twitter has failed to follow the guidelines that came into force on May 26. Even after this, he was given many opportunities. Nevertheless, he deliberately chose the path of not following the guideline.

Can Twitter use US Copyright Act in India?

Even though Twitter failed to implement the guidelines of the Government of India, action is taken in relation to posts, messages, and accounts on its social media platform only under US laws. He has done the same in the case of Ravi Shankar Prasad.

The US Copyright Act is called the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The law was enacted by then US President Bill Clinton in October 1998.

Clinton then said that the purpose of making this law is to protect any content from theft and to help take action against the accused if it is stolen. Under this, all types of digital products like audio, video, text, content come.

Just to see what action takes from the government side after Twitter blocked account of the Law Minister.

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