These 5 phone settings can protect you from online fraud.


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It is high time to change your phone settings to protect yourself from online fraud. If you are a mobile phone user, then it is important for you to change the phone settings, because, at present, the smartphone is being used very fast.

But, how to use the smartphone safely very few people are aware of it. Due to this, online fraud and hacking have become common. However, some minor changes in the phone settings can be avoided by hacking and online fraud.

Apart from this, your data can also be secured from the phone's settings. Let us go to phone settings of the smartphone, which become necessary for updates.

Phone Location Turn Off

The user should turn off the phone location for its privacy so that the apps will not be able to track your location. If you are an iPhone user, you should turn off Phone location permission by going to the privacy section of the phone's settings.

To turn off the same Android user, you should remove the phone location turn off, location history as well as app access permission by going to the phone Settings option.

Log out from Social Media

Often many apps and websites allow social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to log in. But doing so can prove to be dangerous.

Actually, many such apps steal your personal information from Facebook and Twitter. Therefore, the user should avoid doing this. If an app or website provides such a feature, it should be avoided.

If you ask for permission to collect information from Facebook or Twitter on the search platform, then your important information can be stolen.

Many gaming apps also ask for information on social media platforms before playing games, which should be avoided.

Hide Sensitive Content

We can also see things with notifications on the lock screen. But the other person can also see the sensitive content that comes as a notification.

To avoid this, you can hide the content on the notification. To do this, you have to go to the settings option of the phone from where you have to click on the notification.

Then click on the cog icon on the top right side of the phone's screen. Then tap on the lock screen. In this way, you can hide sensitive notifies.

Avoid personalize ad

Google tracks all our activity and if someone wants to steal your privacy, you can opt-out of personalized ads. To do this you need to go to the settings of the phone. After this, click on Enable Opt-out of Ads Personalization in Google Ads.

Enable instant auto-lock

The instant auto-lock option becomes very important for the security of the phone. If you forget to lock the phone, then this feature prevents anyone else from accessing the phone.

For this, the user has to click on the phone settings option from where auto-lock can be enabled. Now you are almost safe from online fraud.

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