How to prevent hacking your account follow these 5 methods.

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Today it is a common question to many of us that how to prevent hacking our accounts from hackers. Cybercrime is on the rise all over the world because of some of our small mistakes. This has now become a major problem, especially in developing countries.

Usually, people keep their banking or social media account passwords quite simple. Perhaps this is because they are easier to remember passwords.

But by taking advantage of this, hackers can steal important information from your social media or empty your bank account. Coronavirus has caused a lot of online transactions in the consequences.

According to a report by research company ‘Secure Link,’ about 80% of hacking is caused by weak and simple passwords. Let us know that in the year 2017, most accounts were hacked due to weak passwords.

The report claimed that having the same password on different platforms increases the risk of hacking. However, the report also indicates that the trend of keeping a simple password has not changed much yet. People still keep weak passwords.

According to the report, it is the easiest way for hackers to steal information from users from a fishing attack. Hackers steal users' personal details like username and password.

This proves to be the easiest method for hackers. Also, if the administrator does not use different passwords on different platforms such as professional and personal, then the risk of an account getting hacked increases.

Follow these 5 methods to prevent hacking:

  1.  Do not use the same password on different platforms for fear of forgetting the password.
  2.  Do not make your name or date of birth a password. Your password should not be the most common popular passwords like “I love you,” “I hate you” or “Happy birthday.”
  3. In addition to the alphabet in the password, also include numeric digits and special characters, upper and lower case.
  4. Apart from this, put two-step or multi-factor authentication in the account.
  5. To protect your online identity, your password should be changed from time to time. Never use the same password again.

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