Google weather today: Google has made major changes to deliver weather warnings in India.

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Google weather today: Google today announced some new features and initiatives for Indian users at its seventh 'Google for India' event. Such as the announcement of some new features for Google Classroom, the addition of five more Indian languages ​​to Look to Speak, the goal of 15 billion annual transactions in Google Pay.

Google has also announced new initiatives to provide quick updates on climate conditions in India. According to the Indian Meteorological Department, more than 1,500 people lost their lives in India last year due to the weather.

Google wants to help Indians better prepare for these critical weather events and prevent fatalities. During the Google for India event, Nofer Peld Levy, Product Manager at Crisis Response and Weather, said that Google is working tirelessly to deliver climate change and weather updates at a faster pace.

This means people will be given the right information at the right time. In other words, according to the IMD update, users will be sent warnings from Google at high speed.

Air quality

With air quality deteriorating in many parts of the country, especially during the winter season, access to this information is key to empowering people to make informed decisions about how climate conditions may affect their daily health.

The company has partnered with the Central Pollution Control Board to bring the latest air quality information to Google Search. People can now check the air quality from their nearest station by typing a question like "Air quality near me" or "Air quality Delhi".

Weather alert

Google has partnered with the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) to launch weather alerts to monitor climate conditions. Provide timely and easy information to the people to be ready and safe from heavy rains, heat waves, cold spells, or thunderstorms.

When the weather gets bad, severe weather warnings issued by IMD will appear on the home screen of your Android phone, as well as in the 'at-a-glance section of Google search. You can ask Google for this information with a question like "Weather near me" Google Assistant will also answer this kind of weather warning question.

Flood forecast

Over the past few years, Google has been working with the government to create a flood forecasting system that predicts when and where floods will occur.

Our new forecast model has doubled the alert range and time, and our coverage is now about one-fifth (17 percent) of the local population in the affected areas. Since the start of the monsoon season this year, we have issued 110 million notifications to at least 20 million affected people.

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