Jio phone Next launch is delayed due to Coronavirus!


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Jio phone Next was supposed to launch in India on September 10 but the company has postponed its launch date. Now it is said that this phone will be launched at some point in the vicinity of Diwali.

Over the past few months, a distinct passion for Jio phones has developed in the minds of Indians, especially the general middle class. This suspension was a push for Jio phones.

Over the last few months, various information related to its price and specification has been leaked. But just before the launch, the company postponed it and announced that both Jio and Google have started experimenting with Jio phone Next with limited users.

Both companies are actively working to make it more widely available to users during the festive season during Diwali. With the availability of extra time, it will be possible to overcome the global chip crisis in the mobile world. I will tell you in detail about the shortage.

What is Global Chip Shortage?

It has a chip whether it is a mobile or a car or any electronic device or toy. This chip is the heart of the device. Electronics devices cannot be made without them. The word global means around the world or all over the world and the word scarcity means deficiency or lack.

That is, a shortage of chips has been created worldwide. In such a situation, there has been a huge shortage of chips used in mobiles, cars, or toys and there has been a huge increase in its supply and prices worldwide.

Why the Global chip shortage?

The biggest cause of the global chip shortage is the coronavirus. There were lock-downs in many countries around the world due to the coronavirus. Especially in large countries, there was a lock-down for several days to deal with the coronavirus.

At this time, the factories were also closed and the work was completely stopped. Under such circumstances, chip production was severely affected and became a major cause of global chip shortages.

As well as the corona, companies have offered job opportunities from home. Because of this, more and more people start working from home and the demand for home networking tools and accessories also increases significantly.

In such a scenario, several large equipment manufacturers have stockpiled products keeping in mind the huge demand and profitability.

These manufacturers include names like Huawei, which stopped shipping goods in the wake of U.S. sanctions. For these reasons, there has been a huge shortage of chips in the world market and this has affected the supply as well as the price.

In addition to all this, there was a big storm in Texas in February this year. For this reason, Austin-based Samsung's chip production was also badly affected and caused a major Global chip shortage.

It is noteworthy that Samsung is one of the few well-known companies in the world that are involved in chip making and chip manufacturing is the largest in the world.

The global shortage of chips has affected not only mobiles but also toys, connected cars, electric cars, and other electronics. In the end, the question remains whether the global crisis was not created in a day or a month. Knowing this problem, why did the company rush to announce the launch date of Jio Phone Next?


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