Instant messaging app WhatsApp is preparing to launch its new WhatsApp upcoming feature, named Disappearing Message. After this new WhatsApp feature is activated, the message sent by the users will be automatically deleted after 7 days.
Users will also not need to set a time to delete the
message. The information about this new Whatsapp feature has been
received from the Twitter account of WhatsApp Beta Info.
However, no information has been provided by the company
regarding the launch of WhatsApp upcoming feature so far.
According to Web Beta Info, after the Disappearing
Message feature is activated, users' messages will be automatically deleted
after 7 days.
Users will also not get the option to set the time to
delete the message here. If users send the message to any users whose disappearing
message feature is off, then the message will not be deleted from them.
WhatsApp upcoming feature: Save chat in google drive
According to the said report, if users make a backup of
the chat and save it in Google Drive before it is deleted, then they will be able
to restore the message again.
However, users will not be able to restore the deleted
message again. Apart from this, users will get the Save to Camera Roll
feature, through which users will be able to restore deleted videos and photos.
WhatsApp upcoming feature: Working on other new features
Another new WhatsApp feature that is included in WhatsApp is password protection. After the introduction of this feature, users will get the facility of password protection for chat backup.
After which users will be able to set passwords for
chat backup and backup will also be encrypted. Let us know that chat backup in
WhatsApp is currently saved on Google Drive.
The Company is planning to add another new WhatsApp feature
to change the auto-download process. Right now the multimedia file in
WhatsApp gets downloaded automatically through auto-download and it uses
many times more data.
Also, many unwanted files are also downloaded. In such a
situation, WhatsApp is now going to introduce new features for auto-download.
Users will be benefited using this WhatsApp upcoming feature.
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