Top TikTok stars in India are waiting for a new Indian platform.

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The top TickTock stars India has been in a bit of uncertainty for quite some
 time as rumors have been circulating in the media for some time that TickTock could be shut down at any time. However, the top TikTok stars in India did not think that it would happen so soon.

The Indian government has banned China's apps; TikTok is being discussed the most. There are 200 million users of this app in India. For them, this news is not less than a shock.

TikTok is very popular in India. Due to this app, many people have also become popular, which has come to be known as top TikTok Star today.

TikTok is used from cricketers to Bollywood stars. It has around 400 million active users worldwide. Out of which about 41 percent of users are between 16 and 24 years old.

In such a situation, the question must be arising in everyone's mind that what will happen to those top TikTok stars in India who has gained popularity on this platform?

It is clear that those who have made their mark through Tiktok, have attained stardom, they are sad to have Tiktok banned. Many are broken, some are looking for a new Indian platform alternative to TikTok again. But they believe that their talent will not end with the ban of the app.

If a Chinese app is closed then there will be many such apps on which they will be able to show their talent again. After all, no app can be more than the country.

Top TikTok stars say that the case of banning the app is related to the national interest. Therefore, they support this move of the government. For them, there is nothing greater than their motherland.

According to the top TikTok stars, “TikTok is closed, not Talent”. If they have talent, they will take over any platform again. They are ready to start their fight from the very beginning. Along with this, they appealed to their fans to stay together on Instagram.

In this context, it is important to remember that the new Indian platform‘Chingari’ is becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to TikTok. More than 50 lakh people have downloaded this app so far. This app allows users to download and upload videos, chat with friends, interact with new people, and share content.

Apart from Hindi, English, this new Indian platform is available in many other Indian languages ​​including Gujarati, Marathi, and Kannada. The ‘Chingari’ app also pays users based on the video being viral.

Overall, the talented TikTok stars whose art does not depend on any Chinese apps. They need a new Indian platform instead of the Made in China. A few new Indian platforms are coming soon to respond to platforms like an alternative to TikTok. This is a big surprise for the whole TikTok stars India. These indigenous platforms may be a golden opportunity for the TikTok stars India.

Indian TickTock stars from Assam to Gujarat and Kashmir to Kanyakumari will find their millions of fans and families again. A new chapter will begin. It's just a matter of time. They are just waiting for a good alternative to TikTok.

They will laugh, they will laugh at us too. New doors will open in front of them soon. They will enter the minds of the people of India by raising their heads through that door.

TickTock stars India will prove that they too know how to sacrifice themselves to protect the honor of the country. 1.3 billion Indians will remember their bold move. 

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