China developed Artificial Intelligence system to detect Coronavirus patients.

China developed Artificial Intelligence system to detect Coronavirus patients.

China developed artificial intelligence system Firetinas to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

 Coronavirus, which has taken the form of an epidemic in China, now is on high alert worldwide. In many countries bordering China, many people are affected by the Coronavirus.

In China alone, more than 2 thousand people have died due to this dangerous virus. More than 20 thousand people are affected due to this coronavirus.

Four cases of coronavirus has also been reported in India. Recently, a case of coronavirus has been reported in Delhi. Apart from Delhi, one case has been reported in Telangana and two in Kerala.

Research is being done in all the countries of the world to fight the coronavirus, so that this serious epidemic can be prevented from spreading as early as possible.

What is Firetinas and where it is developed?

According to a Chinese Authority report, researchers at Cambridge and Manchester University have developed the Artificial Intelligence (AI) system Firetinas to detect the Coronavirus.

With the help of this artificial intelligence system, people with high body temperature will be able to detect whether they are affected by this virus or not.

High body temperature is considered a symptom of Coronavirus. In such a situation, it is very difficult to differentiate between a common fever and a patient affected by Coronavirus.

Researchers claim that the victims of this virus will be able to be detected through this new Artificial Intelligence System.

How does Firetinas Artificial Intelligence System work?

Currently, the Firetinas Artificial Intelligence System has been installed in Chinese schools and hospitals to identify the victims of this deadly Coronavirus.

Coronavirus is a very dangerous virus that spreads rapidly, which is why it is very important to prevent it from spreading. The Firetinas has a high-performance IC (integrated circuit) that can calculate 3 trillion NPUs every second.

It can test 100 people in an area of ​​1,000 sq ft. The developers of this system claim that Firetinas can be integrated with the face recognition system.

The algorithm behind Firetinas (AI) system

The algorithm used to develop it can detect people affected by this Coronavirus with an accuracy of 99 percent. Firetinas can be integrated with every on-in-one system camera.

Firetinas has a temperature sensor, microcomputer, a neural network system, and two black bodies. It is quite easy to set up and operates. Scientists hope that the benefits will soon be found against Coronavirus.

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